Does a new business need an accountant?

It can be very tempting to answer this question with a ‘no.’

If you’re an ambitious new business owner determined to be successful and keep a firm hold of your profits, then spending your hard-won cash on an accountant from the start may not seem the best idea.

Maybe you have friends or family who have gone it alone without investing in outside help on the financial side – and perhaps they got on just fine.

But dig a little deeper and maybe they could have done a whole lot better with a trusty numbers expert at their side.

An established accountant can definitely help a small business flourish even as it launches.

Here are five ways we can help from day one of your new business:

Expert planning

Years of training and helping customers succeed brings excellent experience in financial management.

That means we can help you plan what legal sort of set up you should have – for example, sole trader, partnership or limited company. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages and we know the difference. We can spot which type is right for you and make sure you have solid foundations.

We also offer great advice on tax, VAT registration and payroll – now and into the future. We help you reach long-term goals like paying off your mortgage or providing for a family.

Level-headed guidance

We test your figures and forecasts, putting rigorous foundations in place. We become a sounding board with a reliable and objective second opinion. Being a not so close to the business as its owner helps us provide insights to take the business forward and solutions to issues that arise. Chances are it’s something we have encountered before and can harness past lessons to give you the best advice.

Identifying funding

Recent times have brought this to the fore. Sometimes money is available to help businesses grow. We are a great source of knowledge on this and can guide you through the red tape that inevitably comes with such opportunities . We can also play a key role in presenting a strong financial case to potential funding bodies or investors.


We’re  important ally in helping you grow. Sudden growth you haven’t planned for can cause problems. Vital advice from your accountant helps smooth the way. We have been there for clients for ever since we started Parallax and we can bring a guiding hand to keep things heading in the right direction.


We have a network of clients looking for opportunities that may be mutually beneficial. These ready-made connections are there waiting for you behind the scenes. We’re as pleased as punch when these business relationships are forged. When our clients are successful and happy, this means we are too.

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